This summer 'protocols' is the third issue dedicated to papers written by students in their course of studies in the History and Theory department in Bezalel. By doing so, we intend to stress the importance of theoretical writing in our art academy vis-à-vis its unjustified tendency to take theory for granted putting emphasis on practical down to earth means of education. It is therefore important that this collection of papers is published along the final exhibition presenting projects done by our graduate students in their respective departments. Having in mind that theoretical debates are no less vital for their practice, is one of the goals of this unique issue and the five papers published represent our deep concern as to the place one should endow to history of ideas, philosophy, high and low art and to daily political issues one tends to ignore.
The five papers issued represent some of the main issues discussed in the history and Theory department. Rau'ut Stern analyzes the manifested and concealed meanings of the Grillz jewelry worn on the teeth in the Hip-Hop culture. Tali Zichrony, on the other hand takes us down to earth, and writes on the weakening of the city center of Jerusalem and the means taken to rehabilitate it. A essay by Ya'ara Zach, deals with the Yves Klein's attempts to cope with the issue of Trauma in the arts, wheras Inbal Tager, also an art student, examines the relations between the consumer of art and the artist who creates art, but for some veiled reasons become a victim of himself. The last paper, by Yonatan Assouline, a student in Industrial Design department, poses the question as to the role of the computer in forming industrial design products.
This issue, as most of our issues, dedicates a section to works done by students of Bezalel in the arts, photography and in visual communication, as well as a section – 'in context' – which has to do with special activities, papers and exhibitions, which took place recently in Bezalel as well as in the art arena in general.