The body of work offers a critical look at religion through Christian icons that are viewed equivocally: the icons are exhibited in their secular, duplicated and abstract condition, which contrasts their original character. This exposes the historicity of the icons, which, when removed, transforms them into their inversion. For instance, when viewed in an alienating, a-historical context, the circular halo theme no longer signifies enlightenment and holiness, but rather the hiding of the face, which, in turn, inverts the function of the icon – making it an instrument in the ridicule of the “sacred” which is reflected in "Unnamed Title" (image 1), as well as it returns images 6 and 9. The work "The Last Supper" from the "opportunist" exhibition, offers a deconstructive interpretation: seeing religion as the fabricator of religious narratives, the work seeks to dismantle and replace them using its own contrary, secular and self-aware narrative – which, once the original narrative is dismantled, leaves only the room’s basic functionality – indicating the fact that men, the inventor of narratives is capable of changing them. This body of work presents a new look at the biblical text and even more than it is based on the iconic work of Leonardo, is based on the work of Adi Nes, which is iconic in itself. This body of work does so by exposing the meaninglessness and materialism of the icon.
Bat El Emma Dayan and Dorian Gotllieb-Exhibition (4.67 MB)
Bat El Emma Dayan is a Third year student in the Photography department at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design. She presented in the Kibbutzim College of Education Curators' Gallery and in Bezalel’s Photography gallery. She won an honorary award at the 7th Warsaw Festival of Photographic Art. She is the director of a photography studio, and intends to begin studying philosophy for her master’s degree.
Dorian Gottlieb is a third year student in the photography department at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design. He presented among others in ‘Barbur’ and ‘Zochrot’ galleries , and in the ‘Performance Art Platform Center’ Collaborated with Adina Bar-On , and in 'Kibbuzim College of Education Curators' Gallery and in Bezalel Gallery of Photography. He won an honorary award at the 7th Warsaw Festival of Photographic Art.