Beyond Uncanny Anxiety: Uncanny Compassion, Uncanny Awe and Matrixial Borderlinking in Experiencing Beauty and the Sublime

Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger

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Bracha L. Ettinger, drawing from the serie: Halala - Lapsus, 1989-1993

This paper was submitted in Hebrew, please switch to the Hebrew section of the issue.

Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger, PhD, visual artist creating painting, drawing, photography, notebooks and artist's books, performance/installations, conversations and writing, is psychoanalyst, philosopher, theoretician, Chair & Professor of Psychoanalysis and Art at Media & Communications, EGS. Ettinger's recent Solo exhibitions include: “Musée des Beaux-arts d'Angers” (2011), “Freud Museum” London, “Finnish Academy of Fine Arts” Helsinki (2009), “Fundació Tàpies” Barcelona ("Alma Matrix" with Ria Verhaeghe, 2010), “Drawing Center”, NY (2001). Her book The Matrixial Borderspace appeared in 2006. Art as Compassion. Bracha L. Ettinger (eds. C. de Zegher and G. Pollock) appeared in 2011.

On the Sensual in Art, October 2011