Enjoy and Weep: Illustration of children's literature as a transforming medium, from avoiding to evidencing of suffering
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Ph.D. in education, lecturer at Levinsky College Tel Aviv and researcher of illustrated children’s books. Published many articles on that subject and on other topics regarding spiritual training.
The author of the Dharma-novel "Until the Wake of Compassion: Buddhism, Meditation, Love".
The translator of the book “Intuitive Awareness” by Ajahn Sumedho, one of the senior Buddhist monks in the West. Her future book "Illustrated Children's Books as a Mobile Art-Museum: History, Literacy, Values and Quality" will be published this coming year. The founder of Bhavana House, a learning center for the practice and study of the Middle-Way, and teacher of Shamatha-Vipassana meditation. Was the Curator of the illustrated children’s book section in Israel Museum, and edited “Ma'agley Kria” (Reading circles), the academic journal on children’s literature at Haifa University. Serves as a consultant to publishers and illustration-exhibitions in museums and cultural centers. Authorized to teach yoga at the Wingate Institute. Leading a modest way of life, sidelong writing, domestic, smile and solitude.