ביתו של באלה ובנייתו הפוטוריסטית של היקום

סרג'יו ביאנקונצ'יני

This article analyzes the contribution of the painter Giacomo Balla to futurist architectural planning while contextualizing his work in the frame of the principles of a futurist reconstruction of the universe, which appear in the manifestos signed by him. An application of these principles can be found in the creation of objects and decoration in the Balla house, to which also Elica and Luce, daughters of the artist, participated.

מאמר זה הוגש באיטלקית, אנא עבור למדור באנגלית של הגליון.

Sergio Bianconcini, architect, graduated in 1969 at “La Sapienza” University in Rome with Prof.Bruno Zevi. Has been active in housing projects, in industrial design, in restorations of medieval churches and of one sinagogue from 1700. Has participated in many international competitions, received first ex aequo price for the mosque of Rome, second price for the city hall of Legnago and entered the first top ten in the first stage of the Edinburg library. Has collaborated with Prof. Paolo Portoghesi on the planning of the ideal city DIKAIA

העבר של העתיד: הפוטוריזם האיטלקי והשפעותיו, ינואר 2011